Jim Jones ended Monday night's meeting and his term as Conneaut Council President by saying, his favorite part of the job was "his audience". Jake Chicatelli thanked the community for their support and said he would have liked to accomplish more. As the outgoing council members said their goodbyes, the families of the newly elected council president and at large candidates waited in the audience for their loved ones to be sworn in.
Following Monday's regular council meeting - Council President Elect Tom Udell and Council At Large Elect Candidates Bob Naylor and John Roach were officially sworn into office by the honorable Judge Harris. Following the brief ceremony, each newly elected council member thanked their supported and stated that they hope to bring about positive change.
A new year is just around the corner, and with 3 new faces on the council floor.. it is bound to be an interesting 2010.
Monday, December 28, 2009
New Year, New Faces on Council
Posted by
Conneaut Ohio
6:01 PM
Labels: Bob Naylor, conneaut city council, Jake Chicatelli, John Roach, Tom Udell
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Conneaut City Council Election Results
Congratulations to Conneaut City Council President Elect (D) Tom Udell.
Congratulations to Conneaut City Council At-Large Candidates Robert Naylor and John Roach.
Full Election Results to come tomorrow.
Posted by
Conneaut Ohio
7:39 PM
Labels: conneaut city council, Conneaut CIty President, Conneaut Council at Large
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Candidate's Night - Take 2
Join the Conneaut Community for Canditate's night - Take 2.
The open, question and answer forum will start at 6 p.m., Doors open at 5 p.m.
The forum will take place at the Amboy Fire Hall.
We will be there covering the night's events - hope to see you there!
Posted by
Conneaut Ohio
1:32 PM
Labels: Candidates Night, conneaut city council
Councilman Castrilla Points Finger at Ward 1 Campbell
A seemingly uneventful Conneaut Council Meeting turned into complete chaos just minutes before the close of Monday night's regular council meeting.
At Large Councilmen Chris Castrilla, stated that he had something to say and it may upset some people. Castrilla accused Ward 1 Councilman and Council President Hopefull, Dave Campbell of attacking his italian heritage on an online forum hosted by the Star Beacon last year. He further demanded an apology and asked for Campbell's resignation.
His demands were disregarded as Campbell told Castrilla, "Shame on You." Campbell further stated that Chris Castrilla's remarks were completely false and violated Ohio's Revised Code. Campbell plans to seek legal council regarding the matter.
Castrilla's remarks come, just 8 days before the November election.
Posted by
Conneaut Ohio
1:06 PM
Labels: Chris Castrilla, conneaut city council, Dave Campbell
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Political Trickery in Conneaut ?
Political Trickery in Conneaut ? You be the judge. Some say, the season for trick or treat is coming a week early, as Ward 4 Councilman Dino Julio threatened to sue Ward 1 Councilman David Campbell over allegations that Julio had an extramarital affair, according to an October 24th article in the Star Beacon. The allegations were supposedly made via email last year, and Julio's timing for a press conference regarding the allegations is raising eyebrows for some residents in Conneaut, Ohio. One Conneaut resident who wished to remain annonymous stated, "It's obviously a political stunt. Who cares whether Mr. Julio had an affair or not, we should focus on developing our town not pointing fingers at fellow councilmen." In addition, Ward 1 Councilman and candidate for Conneaut City Council President, Dave Campbell issued a statement responding to Julio's Press Release and the Star Beacon Article. “The statements and accusations by Tony Dino Julio in the October 24, 2009 Star Beacon are blatantly false allegations . These careless theatrics are a representation of his true character and this behavior is no surprise to the citizens who know him. It is obvious that Mr. Julio, serving as the chairman of the local Democratic Party, has made this false accusation intending to influence the November 3rd election. To make his public accusation by way of news conference, one week before the election, instead of letting the litigation resolve the false accusations, shows his real purpose. I am confident the voters will realize his motive and how divisive his conduct is to our city. Because this is a completely false attack upon me, I intend to consult legal counsel for the purpose of filing a complaint with the Ohio Elections Commission. I am confident his reckless and irresponsible statement violates Ohio campaign laws. I have not been served with any court documents so I cannot comment on them. However, if I am, I will be vindicated and intend to seek reimbursement of my attorney fees for Mr. Julio’s reckless and false statements concerning me. I am hopeful the voters will see through this cheap and illegal political trickery and evaluate me for my dedicated public service. Sincerely, Ward 1 Councilperson / City Council President candidate Dave Campbell." Tricks by the Democratic Party, or a Treat that the information came out before the election, Ultimately- You will be the judge on November 3rd. We encourage you to get out and Vote!
Posted by
Conneaut Ohio
5:32 PM
Labels: conneaut city council, Conneaut Elections, Conneaut Politics, Dave Campbell, Dino Julio
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Lost Beagle on Furnace Road
As a "dog lover" it breaks my heart to see any animal running wild in the cold weather. After 2 hours of attempting to catch the dog, buying more time to find it's owner - the small creature retreated to the woods on Furnace Road.
Small Beagle, Approx. 11-17 lbs., Male, Age Unknown. It is very friendly, no collars, un-neutered. The dog appeared hungry and underfed, so it may have been missing for some time.
If you lost your beagle - check out the bottom half of Furnace Road :)
Posted by
Conneaut Ohio
5:54 AM
Labels: Conneaut Dog, Lost Beagle
Conneaut Public Service Director Howland Resigns
Many were surprised when City Manager Robert A. Schaumleffel gave his report Monday Evening. Schaumleffel announced that he had accepted a resignation from Conneaut Public Services Director, Bob Howland. The resignation will be effective on Friday.
Schaumleffel further noted that he will promote Water and Sewer Department Head, Bob Mannion to the top position. Bob Mannion previously served as the Assistant Public Services Director under Howland.
Posted by
Conneaut Ohio
5:48 AM
Labels: Bob Howland, Public Services Director
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Trash Talks Quiet for Now
Following a third reading of a proposed ordinance to solicit bids for a single hauler trash and hauling service - the trash talk was silent.
The motion failed with a 5-2 vote, in favor of soliciting bids for a single hauler were Conneaut City Council President, Jim Jones and Ward 4 Councilman, Dino Julio.
Posted by
Conneaut Ohio
5:27 AM
Labels: All County Trash, conneaut city council, Conneaut Trash and Recycling, Dino Julio, Jim Jones
Schaumleffel Admits He Applied For Another Position
The seats were full at Monday night's Conneaut City Council Meeting as City Manager Robert A. Schaumleffel, Jr. admited that he did apply for the position of Mentor City Manager.
Schaumleffel stated "I did apply..."I have an obligation to my family to keep my options option." and further continued, "I am not going to apologize for that." The admission came after Ward 1 Councilman Dave Campbell asked the city manager if the rumors were true. Campbell didn't want to proceed with the proposed $1.3 million dollar AMR project if there was a potential to "lose our captain."
Department Head's Robert Howland and Robert Mannion were on hand to answer questions regarding the Lake Road Waterline and AMR projects and Safety Director Jon Arcaro disccused Pending Legislation in regards to text messaging while driving.
Posted by
Conneaut Ohio
5:19 AM
Labels: AMR, conneaut city council, Conneaut City Manager, Lake Road, Robert A. Schaumleffel, Robert Howland, Robert Mannion
Monday, October 5, 2009
Conneaut City Manager Applies For Another Job
According to an article in the News Herald dated October 3rd, 2009 - Conneaut City Manager, Robert A. Schaumleffel Jr. is applying for a new position. He is listed as an applicant for the position of City Manager of Mentor, Ohio.
View Article Here.
The issue was a hot topic on Conneaut's morning show W-WOW as is expected to be discussed at tonight's council meeting which will be broadcast on Channel's 6 and 21.
Posted by
Conneaut Ohio
3:10 PM
Labels: Conneaut City Manager, Jr., Mentor City Manager, Robert A. Schaumleffel
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
3 Local Businessman Filing Petitions for Council
Three local Conneaut businessman are filing their petitions, hoping to obtain a seat on Conneaut City Council, following the upcoming election. Mike Bambarger, owner of Son Construction, current Ward 1 incumbent and owner of Campbell Tool and Campbell Storage, Dave Campbell and Dave Levesque, owner of Evergreen Lake Park Campgrounds.
Levesque and Bambarger are hoping to secure the two at-large seats open for grabs, and Councilman Campbell is vying for the position of Council President. Bambarger and Campbell have already filed their petitions, while Levesque plans to file his petition very soon.
Other known candidates in the race: Mr. Tom Udell, former commander for the Conneaut American Legion will be running for the position of Council President, Neil LaRush, Don Armstrong, Robert Naylor and Tammy Ledford are hoping to fill the at large seats.
It is unknown whether incumbent President Jim Jones and at large councilmen Chris Castrilla and Jake Chicatelli will seek re-election.
Posted by
Conneaut Ohio
6:30 AM
Labels: 2009 Election, At Large, conneaut city council, Council President, Dave Cambell
Monday, July 13, 2009
Conneaut's D-Day Details...
D Day Conneaut, August 22, 2009
D Day Conneaut is a cultural reenactment of the WWII era. For 10 years historians and patriots from across the United States and Canada have gathered in Conneaut Ohio to relive D Day, June 6, 1944, the largest amphibious landing in history. Recreating the landing in every detail, that is possible, allied troops are brought ashore by landing craft similar to those used on D Day. Upon approach, the serene and tranquil shoreline of Lake Erie erupts with the fury of hundreds of reenactors. In support of this recreated landing, fighter aircraft patrol overhead as the allies assault the axis emplacements affixed on an elevated bluff. The defending troops of “fortress Europe” are armed proportionately to repel the invasion with artillery and machine-gun fire. Simulated explosions with pyrotechnics add to the realism of what some say to be the most impressive recreation of one of the most pivotal moments in the twentieth century.
This free to the public educational event is funded strictly by the generous donations of re-enactors, veterans groups, and individual contributors just like you. All work is accomplished by unpaid volunteers. This year marks the 65th Anniversary of D Day, June 6, 1944 and is the 10th Annual D Day Conneaut Commemorative. We have established several ways for folks to help. Please check out our website at http://ddayohio.us to help fund this event. If you are interested in volunteering please check the list below for several volunteer opportunities. Please feel free to contact the Chairman, Lisa Torey for any questions or if you would like to help.
Volunteer jobs
Beach set up
Perimeter guards for battlefield
Site hospitality
Preferred seating
Sign collection
Beach teardown
First aid
Veteran support
Patrols for park entrance
Park clean up
Camp security
USO Dance set up
USO Dance break down
German entertainment assistance
Donation collection
Contest judges
Posted by
Conneaut Ohio
3:13 PM
Labels: Annual D Event, Conneaut D Day, D Day Ohio, Lisa Torey
Thursday, May 28, 2009
ECO Welcome's Cambell Storage - Conneaut's Mini Storage Specialist
Campbell's Storage offers 10 different storage unit sizes, military and senior discounts, and 2 convenient locations to serve you. The service is great and the storage units are safe and secure. Whether you are looking for temporary storage, moving to a smaller home, need storage for an ATV or Motorcyle or looking for mini-storage units to store extra stuff, Campbell's Storage has you covered. We invite you check out their ad at http://www.everythingconneautohio.com/.
P.S. Mention you saw their ad on our site and save 10% on your next storage bill, exclusively with Everything Conneaut Ohio and Campbell's Storage.
Posted by
Conneaut Ohio
7:57 PM
Labels: Campbell's Storage, Conneaut Ohio Storage, Conneaut Storage, Mini Storage Units, Motorcyle Storage, Winter Storage
Beautiful Photos Capture "Heart" of Conneaut
Joy is an exceptional artist and photographer, who truely captures the essence of her subject with grace and beauty. We are pleased to feature her artwork on the Everything Conneaut Ohio Website, and hope you enjoy the photos she provided to share with Conneaut and Vistors Nationwide.
Visit Her Photo Gallery Here: http://www.betterphoto.com/gallery/gallery.asp?mem=135685
*Please do not COPY any of the photos without permission from the respective artist*
According to her bio on "betterphoto.com"....
"My photography has been published nationally in "Country", "Birds & Blooms" & "Cat Fancy" magazines, regionally in "Farm & Dairy", shown on CNN (vetted) & local TV/newspapers. I began entering POTD contests in the fall of 2005, and now have over 2000 POTD's worldwide, including twenty-four photos featured on the Kodak billboard in Times Square, NYC, thirty on The Weather Channel (including seven in their "Best of the Daily Weather Pic" slideshow), and four in PARADE. One of 100 winners in PARADE Magazine's nationwide "Celebrate America's Beauty" contest...."
"... I also had the honor of having my "Turning to 2007" featured in Times Square, NYC, on 1-1-07 on the Kodak display, during the big New Year's Eve celebration there.NEW for 2008! "
Joy's Photos are being shown and sold at The Katherine Riley Gallery, which is owned by local businessman Chris Joslin, Chris also provides photos for our site and the combination of these unique artists captures the unique talents and beauty of Conneaut, Ohio.
Thank You Joy and Chris for the wonderful photos!
Posted by
Conneaut Ohio
7:48 PM
Labels: Chris Joslin Photography, Christopher Joslin, Conneaut Ohio Landscape, Conneaut Photography, Joy Cobb, Katherine Riley Gallery
Monday, May 25, 2009
Happy Memorial Day!
Happy Memorial Day! We hope you take a minute today to remember those who fought, and are currently fighting to preserve and protect our freedoms. God Bless our soldiers, veterans and the USA.
Posted by
Conneaut Ohio
7:33 AM
Labels: Memorial Day, soldiers, USA, Veterans
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
GOOOO....Gokey Gone :(
Now I know why I don't get attached to Reality Television. American Idol's Danny Gokey won the heart's of millions with his heart warming story, and down to earth personality.
Last week was Danny Gokey week in Milwaukee, WI (where my family lives) and I was positive going into the final elimination before the top 2 - Danny would be in.
Fingers Crossed, Kris Allen and Adam Lambert took the two seats for the finale. American Idol's season finale will air next week....
GOOOD Job Gokey and Best of Luck! (We are sure he already has a record deal)
...and I am boycoting the show until season in honor of Gokey.
Posted by
Conneaut Ohio
8:46 PM
Labels: American Idol, Danny Gokey, Idol Finale
Invite Only Community Meeting Has Some Conneaut Residents Infuriated
"How can you have a community vision meeting without inviting the entire community"? This question was posed by two local businessman yesterday evening in front of the invitation only community vision meeting.
Their question was echoed by several other members of the community, who felt they were excluded from an event that was organized to improve the City of Conneaut.
I attended the event, and here are the answer's to the closed door visionary meeting....
Organziers provided a Q & A sheet, to answer that very question... Here's what it says:
"What is Conneaut Cafe ?"
"This is an opportunity for the City Manager to listen to the community regarding their version of what they want for Conneaut. "
"Whose idea was this?"
"Rev. Chuck Graham of First United Methodist Church had been meeting with members of the community interested in holding a community meeting to focus on the positive aspects of Conneaut. When the City Manager arrived, Rev. Graham talked with him about the idea and the City Manager was interested. Over the last three months, Rev Graham and members of the community developed the Conneaut Cafe based of specific feedback from the City Manager."
"Why is the City Manager holding it?"
"The City Manager believes strongly in the importance of obtaining feedback from the community. In other communities where he worked he establish on-going and one-time ways for community members to give him feedback."
"Who was invited?""How did they get picked ?"
"The city manager wanted his first meeting to be a composite of the residents of Conneaut. The group working with Rev. Graham used the most recent census for the 44030 zip code and created a profile of Conneaut based on the demographics of the census. The 44030 zip code was used because that is the way the US census categorizes populations.
Members of the community, Conneaut Ministerial Association and the City Manager submitted names to consider. Over 300 names were submitted and each name included basic information like estimated age and type of employment. From that group, people were selected based on the demographics. For example, the average age in Conneaut is 38 years. The group then selected people that reflected that age group."
"Can I come even if I am not invited ?"
"The only people who are attending are those invited. If someone who is invited cannot atatend, a back p-person from the original list has been identified."
Approximately 80 people were in attendance including members of the community, local business owners, and political figures including State Representative Debbie Newcomb, members of Conneaut City Council and former Conneaut leadership.
The meeting consisted of round table discussion regarding 3 topics/questions; 1.) the perfect Conneaut 2.) steps to create the perfect conneaut 3.) how to support plans to improve Conneaut.
Groups rotated after each topic, and common themes were recorded on 3 large boards in the front of the room.
After the 3 topics were discussed, the City Manager spoke briefly and acknowleged the importance of positive community discussion, he also affirmed that he will consider the suggestions made by members of the community at Tuesday Night's meeting.
No future community meeting date(s) have been announced and no plans for execution of any of the ideas proposed at the meeting were discussed.
Posted by
Conneaut Ohio
12:50 PM
Labels: Closed Door Meeting, conneaut city council, Conneaut City Manager, Conneaut Community Meeting, Conneaut Vision Meeting
Monday, May 4, 2009
Bike to Benefit MS - Conneaut's Cycling Team
They fly by the seat of their pants, literally! We are proud of Conneaut's Cycling team - who bikes to benefit MS. If you are interested in competitive riding, they would love for you to take a spin with them - for more information: http://www.everythingconneautohio.com/What_to_Do.html.
If you are interested in providing a donation for rides to benefit the Multiple Sclerosis Society: http://www.everythingconneautohio.com/Schedule__Calendar_.html
Posted by
Conneaut Ohio
7:57 PM
Labels: Conneaut's Cycling Team, MS Bike Ride
Friday, May 1, 2009
YPAC Comes to Conneaut
The new group, YPAC (Young Professionals of Ashtabula County) came to Conneaut, Ohio yesterday. The group held its monthly meeting at Tarsitano's Winery.
Approximately 25 professionals attended the social event which provided exceptional networking opportunities for professionals all across Ashtabula County.
The group's goal is to provide a united front, and hopes to foster commerce and growth that will entice more young professionals to find Ashtabula County an attractive place to live, work and play.
Posted by
Conneaut Ohio
11:15 AM
Labels: Tarsitano Winery, Young Professionals of Ashtabula, YPAC
Conneaut Rocks!
Exciting News - HOT Entertainment is coming to Conneaut!
Check it out -
A Conneaut High School alum will be returning to the community with his successful band to give a concert to benefit two local community groups.
On Friday, May 22nd, 2009 from 6:00 until 10:00, the Cleveland rock bands Winslow and Eclyptic will be in Conneaut performing a benefit concert for the Conneaut Music Boosters and the Conneaut Food Pantry at the Conneaut Human Resources Center.
Admission into the concert is $3.00 and a can of food or $4.00 (of which, one dollar will be donated to the Conneaut Food Pantry). Food and drinks will be available to purchase through the Conneaut Music Boosters.
Winslow, the headlining band for the evening is lead by Conneaut native Maurice Martin. Mr. Martin was a Sousaphone player in the Conneaut High School Marching Band and served as the Band Captain for a time. He offered to bring his band and another band to present this concert.
The band has received praise recently: “Cleveland Scene” magazine named them “Cleveland’s best original band” and Fox 8 named them “Cleveland’s best local band.”
The second musical group involved, Eclyptic, is based out of Hudson, Ohio and won the Cleveland area “High School Rock-Off” two years ago.
Business Sponsors are still needed for the concert; any interested businesses should contact Sean Smith at (440) 593-7235.
Both groups will be performing for free for the evening, with all the proceeds going to the Conneaut Music Boosters and the Conneaut Food Pantry. The proceeds will directly benefit the community and help the music program provide a quality program for all the students involved.
Posted by
Conneaut Ohio
11:13 AM
Labels: Cleveland Rock Band, Conneaut Food Pantry, Conneaut Music Boosters, Conneaut Rock Concert
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Big City Salon in Conneaut Ohio
Conneaut is now home to a state-of-the-art tanning salon, from the friendly service to the urban decor, you feel as if you have left the small town and walked in a metropolitan tanning spa.
A very special thank you to Mr. George Coleman, who is a partial owner of the new, Salon Dark by Design. He invited me to check out what he felt was one of Conneaut's best kept secrets, and it was first class service all the way.
I was greeted by a very friendly associate who proudly showcased all of their beds, with 3 levels to choose from - she provided an excellent education regarding the benefits and features of each option. Dark by Design, located in "Save A Lot" Plaza, off Route 20 - offers a standard tanning bed, a high class stand up booth and the "SUPERMAN" of all tanning beds....
When I was asked which bed, I would like to try - it was the Superman. The exterior was just as amazing as the interior... you can control the facial tanner, Sirius satellite radio, volume and for those who are picky or tan for more than 5 minutes... bring your MP3 player, it has a plug in.
That's not all - after your relaxing tanning experience - no need to wipe off the bed - this salon is full service - the bed automatically informs staff that it needs cleaned, and all staff are certified in profesional sanitation practices.
Everyday in Conneaut may not be Florida, but the bright lights, warm weather and urban feel is only a short drive away. We invite you to check out the friendly staff at Dark by Design, and thanks for the hospitality George!
Posted by
Conneaut Ohio
2:02 PM
Labels: conneaut tanning, dark by design, save a lot, tanning salon
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Pray for Conneaut, Ohio
For several years, members of the community have met in City Chambers, every Monday morning at 7:30 a.m. to pray for Conneaut, Ohio.
If you would like to pray for Conneaut, their leadership, their future and the community - you can join other members of the community on Monday's at 7:30 a.m.
Posted by
Conneaut Ohio
1:27 PM
2nd Town Hall Meeting A Success
Last night, Rev. Babcock hosted the 2nd Town Hall meeting at the UCC Church in Conneaut, Ohio. Approximately 40 guests attended the town meeting, and the camera's were on.
Babcock came up with the idea, with hopes of creating a positive environment for the community to grow - where residents could share their ideas and give feedback to city leadership.
The only leadership present at the meeting were Council Members - Dave Campbell and Charlie Lewis. Mr. Lewis and Mr. Campbell, answered all questions presented to them by the guests at the meeting in forum-style, question and answer session.
The hot topic: A proposed industrial park. The industrial park has been a sticky point for several residents, since Monday's council meeting when Conneaut's City Manager - Robert Schaumleffel, Jr. suggested a discussion - proposing that development of the business park be reconsidered.
Conneaut Ward 1 Councilman, Dave Campbell spelled out the details for guests at last night's meeting... Campbell is supportive of the project, he stated "I would like to move forward with the business park." Campbell went into further detail noting a $750,000 grant that was awarded to the City of Conneaut - for the purpose of developing a business park in Conneaut, Ohio. "The City wouldn't have to match funds for up to 5 years." As for matching funds, it is estimated that the City of Conneaut would only need to match up to $600,000.00.
The future of the Business Park is still undetermined. Rev. Babcock hopes to host a monthly Town Hall meeting. Future announcements of any town meetings can be found at http://www.everythingconneautohio.com/.
Posted by
Conneaut Ohio
1:15 PM
Labels: City of Conneaut, Conneaut Business Park, Town Hall Meeting
City Council Meetings & Work Sessions On Air
After months of debate, it appears Conneaut City Council has come to a decision.
In a 4-3 vote at Monday's Meeting... Council decided to allow both regular council
meetings and work sessions to be televised to the public on Government Channels
6 & 21.
Posted by
Conneaut Ohio
1:09 PM
Labels: conneaut city council, council meetings, work sessions
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Conneaut Ohio - Blog Makeover!
For those of you that know me, you already know my most creative ideas come after a couple cups of coffee.... I think change is exciting, and I wanted to make this blog a direct representation of myself and the ideas expressed on this blog.
The coffee represents energy and enthusiasm, the photos are black and white and meant to represent the past and our lake (note the photos of boats)... The notebook is sketching out plans for the future and collecting ideas...
The theme of this blog is a direct representation of the City of Conneaut, and where we are today. The community is yearning for new ideas and a concrete plan to cement their future, but it is important to take notes and analyze all ideas...as the community plans to gather tonight for a town hall "open mic" night - grab a warm cup of coffee, and notepad and come up with a couple of ideas on how you can improve Conneaut.
Share your ideas online: http://forum.everythingconneautohio.com/user/categories.aspx
Posted by
Conneaut Ohio
11:55 AM
Labels: blog makeover, conneaut blog, conneaut future
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Conneaut Lighthouse - SOLD
Conneaut's Lighthouse, has unofficially been the symbol of Conneaut for years. The lighthouse now has a new owner, optimistic to shine new light on the symbol that makes Conneaut Proud.
In just a few short weeks, Gary Zaremba of New York City will become the new owner of the Conneaut Harbor Lighthouse. His Plans ? Mr. Zarema, hopes to restore the lighthouse as needed and foster tourism in Conneaut, Ohio. He envisions field trips to the lighthouse and tourists coming to town for an adventure, to enjoy the amazing views - the lighthouse has to offer.
Mr. Zaremba, president of Artisan Restoration Group, a restoration contracting firm, submitted a $35,000 bid for the beacon during an online auction launched by the U.S. General Services Administration last fall - and will officially, take over the title as soon as the paperwork is finalized.
Posted by
Conneaut Ohio
8:47 PM
Labels: Conneaut Harbor Lighthouse, Conneaut Lighthouse, Conneaut Lighthouses
City of Conneaut Website....
You asked, we answered. The City of Conneaut website is currently still under construction, with several visitors clicking on a blank page, and unable to find the information they are looking for.
At Everything Conneaut Ohio, we felt it was important to provide that information for you about your elected officials, how to contact them and the hours of other public services provided by the City of Conneaut Ohio.
To answer your questions, No this is not the official City Website... but rather, the unofficial city website. If you have additional infomation for the pages regarding the City of Conneaut, Ohio...
We invite you to email us the information at info@everythingconneautohio.com.
Our goal is to provide comprehensive, positive, educational and valueable information for all of Conneaut - please help us in doing so, and send us over your feedback.
Let's make sure Conneaut Businesses and the city has a positive presence online :)
Posted by
Conneaut Ohio
8:39 PM
Labels: city of conneaut ohio, city of conneaut website, conneaut businesses, conneaut ohio website, conneaut websites, everything conneaut ohio
Crazy for Crazy Dave's Sugar Bowl
Hello friends, and blog followers... the weather was beautiful this weekend, so I opted for enjoying the sunshine instead of working in front of the computer.
Last week, I visited my friend, Dave... some of you know him as "Crazy Dave".. he is the owner of Crazy Dave's Sugar Bowl in Conneaut, Ohio. What a wonderful restaurant! The food was great, the service was friendly and the place was packed... my favorite part, the desert! I ordered the "famous" bananna creme pie, good thing Emanuel (my husband) and I - only orded 1 to share... as it came out from the kitchen, it seemed mile high and it was exceptional!
We are proud to announce that Crazy Dave's Sugar bowl is our preferred partner for Where to Eat in Conneaut, Ohio. Crazy Dave's offers several menu options priced at $5.99 and the only salad bar in Conneaut, Ohio. That's not all - make sure you leave room for desert, as all of their pies and other deserts are HOME BAKED.
We are glad to have Crazy Dave's as our partner in Everything Conneaut Ohio and we hope you stop by and tell Dave, we said Hello!!!
Check out Crazy Dave's Ad Here: http://www.everythingconneautohio.com/where_to_eat.html
Check out Crazy Dave's Menu Here: http://www.freewebs.com/crazydavessugarbowl/
Posted by
Conneaut Ohio
5:50 PM
Labels: conneaut ohio, crazy daves restaurant, dining in conneaut, sugar bowl, where to eat
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Basil's Cafe Gets Two Thumbs Up!
I felt that this comments deserves it's own post - The Everything Conneaut Ohio Website and The Conneaut, Ohio Blog are dedicated to promoting the wonderful community and businesses we have in Conneaut, here is a comment from one out of town visitor...
"The owners/employees/local patrons are as fantasic as the breakfast. Where else can you walk in as a traveler (not a tourist) and be greeted with a warm, bright smile and a welcoming hello? Everything this site has to say about Basil's is true. Breakfast is spot on."
- The Out of Towners.
Thanks for the wonderful comment!
Posted by
Conneaut Ohio
7:15 AM
Labels: basil's, conneaut blog, everything conneaut ohio
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Everything Conneaut - Conneaut Board of Tourism's Official Site
It's Official! Everything Conneaut Ohio is now the official website for the Conneaut Board of Tourism. I had the opportunity to meet with the wonderful group of individuals on the Tourism Board and as we work together, I feel this partnership will be extremely beneficial to the Everything Conneaut Website, The Conneaut Board of Tourism, and the Entire Community of Conneaut!
Coming Soon! You will be able to find extensive information about Tourism in Conneaut, Ohio including the map provided by The Board of Tourism and much more.
Click Here to View the Conneaut Tourism Page.
Posted by
Conneaut Ohio
5:49 PM
Labels: Conneaut Board of Tourism, Conneaut Community, conneaut tourism, everything conneaut ohio
Sanford's Sandwiches... Eat, Drink, Dance, Sing Karaoke!
Sanford's Sandwiches has become Conneaut's Hot-Spot! Located in the Golden Anchor, you can enjoy reasonably priced and delicious sandwiches! They also offer a full menu for Breakfast and Lunch... If you are coming for dinner, stay for drinks at their fully stocked bar, play music on the jukebox... or better yet, come on a Friday Night and serenade all of Conneaut during their open mic Karaoke from 8 p.m. - 1 p.m. Calling all dancers! Break it down on Saturday night, with the radio's top hits - as the dance floor is open and DJ Mike is in the house.
We welcome Sanford's Sandwiches to Everything Conneaut Ohio! Sanford's Sandwiches offers Conneaut's good food, great entertainment and fun for the whole family.
Check out Sanford's Upcoming Events: http://www.everythingconneautohio.com/What_to_Do.html
Posted by
Conneaut Ohio
5:40 PM
Labels: breakfast, conneaut dancing, conneaut ohio, DJ, food, golden anchor, karaoke, sanford's sandwiches
Community Auto... Conneaut's Towing Expert
Let's face it, we have all been there... Locked our keys in our car, ran out of gas, ran off the road in the snowy conneaut winters (...ok I have experienced all three). When you are in need of towing services, auto repairs, locksmith services or gas delivery... Community Auto is your one-stop-shop!
We welcome Community Auto as Conneaut's Towing and Automotive repair expert! The professional team at Community Towing will provide you with transportation to and from their shop, as well as honest and reasonable rates for all of your towing and auto repair needs.
Check out their ad on the Everything Conneaut Site at: http://www.everythingconneautohio.com/Auto_Towing.html
Welcome Community Auto!!!
Posted by
Conneaut Ohio
5:35 PM
Labels: auto repair, community auto, conneaut auto repair, conneaut towing, gas delivery, locksmith, towing services
JD's Pizza is now a preferred Pizza Shop!
We are proud to announce that Conneaut based JD's Pizza is now a preferred partner for pizza in Conneaut, Ohio! JD's is known for their mouth watering pizza, as well as their timely delivery and witty slogan...
"Delivery guaranteed in 30 minutes or less, if it's not there in 30 move closer!".... We give JD's 2 thumbs up for the witty slogan that not only makes their business memorable, but also promotes Conneaut! JD's also has secondary locations in Erie, PA and Ashtabula Ohio.
Their menu offers everything from Pizza to Salad and Strombolis, check out: http://www.everythingconneautohio.com/Conneaut_Coupons.html for exclusive Coupons to JD's Pizza and CLICK HERE to see their ad!
Join us in welcoming JD's Pizza as a preferred pizza shop in Conneaut Ohio!
Posted by
Conneaut Ohio
5:29 PM
Labels: ashtabula oh, conneaut ohio, Conneaut Pizza, erie pa, JD's Pizza, pizza shop
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Ashton Shepherd Coming to The Erie County Fair
I wear many hats... one of them is serving on the board of directors for the Erie County Fair.
The Erie County Fair is celebrating their 125th anniversary this year, and CMA nominated, Country music artist - Ashton Shepherd will be taking the stage on September 5th at 8:00 p.m.
There will be a pre-show party at 5:30 p.m. with Erie's Hottest Country Music Band - Next of Kin. Tickets are available at Northwest Savings Bank and The Erie County Fair in Wattsburg.
If you are interested in more information, visit the fair website at: www.wattsburgeriecountyfair.com.
If you would like tickets, contact me at info@everythingconneautohio.com.
Grandstand Seats at $11.00 each and Track Seats (closer to the stage) are $16.00 each.
Posted by
Conneaut Ohio
4:19 PM
Labels: ashton shepherd, erie county fair, next of kin
Local Advertiser Takes Me for A Wild Ride...
No kidding, Until last week - I had never taken a ride on a Harley Davidson. Not that the opportunity hadn't presented itself - but for some reason, they always seemed like an accident waiting to happen.
I think this may be, because I pictured myself driving.... Thank You very much to Dave Levesque at Evergreen Lake Campgrounds - He was generous to give me my first ride on a Harley.
It was nice taking a quick spin around Conneaut, with the wind blowing in your hair....
My next fear... my husband buying a Harley Davidson.
Posted by
Conneaut Ohio
4:15 PM
Labels: dave levesque, evergreen campgrounds, harley davidson
Vote for Conneaut's Best Restaurant
April is Restaurant Month in Conneaut, Ohio! That's right... at least is on the Everything Conneaut Ohio Site. If you have a favorite restaurant, make sure you vote.
Let everyone in Conneaut know who your favorite restaurant is...
Contest ends May 1st. Get your vote in today for Conneaut's Best Restaurant!
Posted by
Conneaut Ohio
4:13 PM
Labels: Anthony's Pizza, conneaut ohio, conneaut restaurant, everything conneaut ohio, italian restaurant, restaurant contest
Anchor Insurance - Conneaut's Insurance Experts
Whether you own a business or you just looking for a competitive quote, Anchor Insurance in Conneaut offers a solution for all of your insurance needs. There products include:
- Automobile Insurance
- Boat Insurance
- Snow Mobile Insurance
- Health Insurance
- Commercial Insurance
- Liability Insurance
- Life Insurance
- Homeowners Insurance
- ... and more.
We are proud to announce that Anchor Insurance is our preferred partner for Insurance in Conneaut, Ohio! We hope you will turn to Anchor for all of your insurance needs.
Posted by
Conneaut Ohio
4:08 PM
Labels: camping in conneaut ohio, insurance
Monday, March 30, 2009
Everything Conneaut Welcomes Evergreen Lake Park!
Evergreen Lake Park is Conneaut's premier campground. Each summer, hundreds of visitors come to Conneaut to fish, camp, hunt and enjoy Lake Erie. The family friendly campground offers affordable options for your week-long, month-long or summer stay.
Evergeen has all the amenities you are looking for including a pond for swimming a pond for fishing, entertainment every weekend, food -ice-propane for sale on site. Heated Showers, Restrooms, and more... visit Evergreen Campground online at www.evergreenlakepark.com
Please join us in welcoming Evergreen Lake Park as our exclusive Camping Partner for Conneaut, Ohio!!
Posted by
Conneaut Ohio
11:53 AM
Labels: camp conneaut, campgrounds, camping in conneaut ohio, evergreen lake park
Son Construction... Our Latest Construction Partner
As the weather is getting warmer, some of you may be thinking about have your campers or RV's repaired, additions constructed or new flooring installed... Son Construction is Conneaut's construction specialist for RV and Campers.
In addition, Son Construction is an expert carpenter... offering their custom woodwork skills to Conneaut. We invite you to join us in Welcoming Son Construction - give them a call for your next RV repair, Trailer Repair, Custom Woodworking or Deck Construction Project!
Posted by
Conneaut Ohio
11:35 AM
Labels: Camper Repair, custom woodwork, deck construction, RV repair, son construction
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
We are Looking For Professional Partners in Conneaut, Ohio!
If you are a local professional, serving Conneaut... we would like to invite you to take the opportunity and review our advertising options.
The low cost advertising options, enable you to communicate your message and promote your business to the local Conneaut community, while enabling fresh and educational content on this valuable and resourceful site to everyone in Conneaut (www.everythingconneautohio.com)
We are currently looking for partners in the following categories:
Automobile Dealers
Pest Control
Pet Grooming
Entertainment - "Things to Do in Conneaut"
Where to Stay - "Hotels, Motels, Lodges"
Bars & Pubs
In addition, if you would like to sponsor a page that is not up on the website and inform conneaut about a local business (i.e. auto repair, towing, antique shop, etc...) We would love to hear from you and further grow our site.
Thank You to Hynoon Charters, Basil's Cafe, Anthony's Food and Pizza, Ex Amish Construction, Northshore Coin and Bullion, Mucci's Italian Restaurant, and our premier partner's Snap Fitness and Carter Lumber for all of support. We encourage all of you reading this to support the local business's that have Conneaut's best interest's in mind.
For more information on advertising on Conneaut, Ohio contact us at info@everythingconneautohio.com.
Posted by
Conneaut Ohio
1:14 PM
Labels: conneaut, conneaut advertising, conneaut ohio, everything conneaut ohio, preferred partners
Thursday, March 19, 2009
The Pat Williams Show is Online
Broadcasting straight to your desktop, you can now watch the Pat Williams morning show online.
This is wonderful news to those of us, who are already at work or unable to get a clear picture with Time Warner Cable.
To watch the Pat Williams Show Online... CLICK HERE.
The Pat Williams Show airs daily from 7 a.m. - 10.m.
(weekdays only.)
Posted by
Conneaut Ohio
2:55 PM
Labels: Cable Suite 541, Conneaut Cable, Conneaut TV, Pat Williams Show
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Meet The Developer of Everything Conneaut Ohio
Hello! Due to the large amount of requests and questions I have received... I decided it was time to introduce myself, and answer the question - many of you have been asking, Who is the face behind Everything Conneaut Ohio? (http://www.everythingconneautohio.com/)
My name is Katie Schwartz, and I am the owner, and exclusive editor of Everything Conneaut Ohio. I grew up across the border in Erie, PA and moved to Conneaut about a year and half ago, as my husband was here in Conneaut. As a new resident, I found it challenging to find things to do, places to get involved, local businesses, and places to eat in Conneaut. As a business owner, it was even trickier... my husband was forced to turn to Erie or Ashtabula to advertise, due to the limited resources available. This was when I decided that Conneaut needed and deserved a comprehensive resource dedicated to defining what a great city we have and all of the local resources available HERE in Conneaut. I will always love Erie - but it was time to embrance Conneaut as my new home and get involved in bettering the community. It was just over a month ago, that Everything Conneaut Ohio was born.
Believe me, the idea was much more simple, than putting the plan in action... but, I had a little experience. For those of you that have asked what experience I have ? Here's your answer...
I have a dual degree in Marketing Management and Business Administration, and extensive experience with online, print and television marketing. During the day, I serve as a Marketing Coordinator for a national signage manufacturer, and after college, I worked as a general assignment reporter for WSEE-TV in Erie PA. I also served as the Host for the Erie RiverRats indoor Football Team in Erie, and Director/Treasurer for the Erie County Fair in Wattsburg, PA.
Why did I create this site ? I strongly believe a leader is not defined by their ideas, but rather the plans they put into action. I think Conneaut Ohio, is a wonderful city that has alot to offer to both it's residents and visitors. As a young professional, and a resident of Conneaut Ohio -my goal is that Everything Conneaut Ohio will be a positive, valueable, educational and resoureful tool to Conneaut Ohio.
How is this site Supported ? While Everything Conneaut Ohio is a privately owned site, the success is completely dependent upon the support of the local community. A very special thank you to the local businesses who support this site: Carter Lumber, Ex Amish Construction, Anthony's Pizza and Food, Mucci's Italian Restaurant, Basil's Cafe, Hynoon Fishing Charters, WWOW Radio, Christopher Joslin Photography and Northshore Coin and Bullion. I would also be remiss, If I didn't thank Conneaut Councilman Dave Cambell for his wonderful support and encouragement. While there are advertising opportunities - they are limited! The site is designed to support only 3 categories ads per page, which maximizes the return on investment for local businesses, while maintaining a resourceful, organized and valueable tool for local businesses.
What if a business isn't listed? My goal is to make sure, EVERY business in Conneaut can be featured. CLICK HERE to send me an email, and I will make sure you business has a free text listing on our website. We also welcome editorials and articles from local businesses that will educate the community of Conneaut.
Thank You to everyone who has supported the launch of this website, and I look forward to continuing to provide a greater tool to serve all the residents and visitors of Conneaut, Ohio!
Posted by
Conneaut Ohio
6:47 PM
Labels: Anthony's Pizza, basils cafe, carter lumber, conneaut ohio, everything conneaut ohio, ex amish construction, hynoon fishing charters, Katie Schwartz, mucci's italian restaurant, WWOW radio
Everything Conneaut Featured in Conneaut Courier
Everything Conneaut Ohio will be featured in this week's Conneaut Courier.
We hope you have the chance to check out the article!
Posted by
Conneaut Ohio
6:45 PM
Labels: article, conneaut courier, everything conneaut ohio
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Authentic Italian in Conneaut, Ohio
Everyone Loves Italian! If you can't afford the airfare to dine in Italy - the good news is, you can experience Authentic Italian Cuisine here in Conneaut, Ohio.
Mucci's Italian Restaurant on East Main Road offers brick oven pizza as well as a variety of other authentic italian dishes. You can enjoy their delicious food with a local wine, have a beer with friends or choose one of their fine liquors from their fully stocked bar.
The atmosphere is open and dress is casual, you will relax as you take in the decorative atmosphere and soft music that for a moment will make you feel as you just stepped into a restaurant in Italy.
The friendly staff and excellent cooks will ensure your meal with have you saying It's Amore!
We hope you can join us in welcoming Mucci's Restaurant - our partner for Authentic Italian Dining in Conneaut, Ohio.
Don't forget to visit the Everything Conneaut Ohio Coupon Page - and enjoy exclusive offers for Mucci's Restaurant.
Posted by
Conneaut Ohio
3:23 PM
Labels: conneaut coupons, conneaut ohio, conneaut ohio dining, italian cuisine, italian restaurant, mucci's italian restaurant, mucci's restaurants
Friday, March 6, 2009
Ace for Conneaut Tennis Courts
A pending agreement could breathe new life into the Liberty Park tennis courts in Conneaut, Ohio. The Conneaut Board of education is considering "gifting" the land that is home to Liberty Park and the tennis court, on Liberty and Main Streets to the City of Ohio.
The dilapitated courts are in desperate need of a makeover, and the school district believes the City of Conneaut is in a better position to acheive the grants needed to give the tennis courts the much needed attention they deserve.
The courts are currently used by Conneaut High School's tennis teams and open to the public.
Posted by
Conneaut Ohio
10:01 AM
Labels: conneaut ohio, conneaut tennis courts, liberty park, tennis
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Fish Lake Erie with Captain Sonny!
Conneaut, Ohio has been featured in several national recognized publications for their exceptional fishing opportunities... We are proud to announce, our partner for Fishing Charters in Conneaut, Ohio - Hynoon Sport Fishing Charters.
Experience some of the world's best fishing on Lake Erie with Captain Sonny Heinonen or Captain Linda Heinonen, with several years of experience - they have the expertise and equipment neccesary to make your next chartered fishing trip a success!
Hynoon Charters provides a spacious, well equipped boat with marine head for your fishing pleasure. Located in Conneaut, Ohio Hynoon Charters offers Perch and Walleye fishing charters for up to 6 persons. Enjoy an afternoon of exceptional fishing, and peace of mind as your captain is a full time professional firefighter and a licensed EMT.
We invite you to visit them online at www.hynooncharters.com and book your next fishing trip in Conneaut, Ohio. If you are looking for a fishing charter in Conneaut, Ohio we hope you call Hynoon Charters - our partner for fishing charters in Conneaut, Ohio!
Posted by
Conneaut Ohio
9:30 AM
Labels: conneaut ohio, fishing, fishing charters, fishing conneaut, fishing trip, hynoon charters, Lake Erie, perch, sport fishing cahrters, walleye
Conneaut's Best Breakfast - Basil's Cafe
Tucked in the corner of Conneaut, Ohio near Lake Erie is a small cafe - home to the best home cooked breakfast in town! We are proud to announce, Basil's Cafe as our latest partner for restaurants in Conneaut, Ohio.
Basil's Cafe offers an extensive menu - with something for everyone! A local favorite for breakfast, and lunch - Basil's portion's are large but their prices are affordable. Whether you are in town for a visit, or looking to go out for a great breakfast or lunch - we invite you to visit Basil's Cafe. The moment you walk in the door, the friendly staff and mouthwatering aromas will put a smile on your face. Enjoy a cup of coffee with friends or an affordable lunch with co-workers.
Don't worry about breaking the bank - If you are on a budget, Basil's Cafe offers a cup of soup and sandwich special for only $ 3.50! The special runs everyday from 6 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Help us welcome Basil's Cafe as our latest partner for great food and affordable prices for dining in Conneaut, Ohio.
Posted by
Conneaut Ohio
9:23 AM
Labels: basils cafe, breakfast, conneaut, conneaut ohio, dining, Lake Erie, lunch, restaurants in conneaut
Friday, February 27, 2009
Conneaut Ohio Church Directory Coming Soon!
Thanks to a clever comment from one local Conneaut, Ohio resident. Everything Conneaut Ohio is pleased to announce we will be adding a Directory of Local Churches in Conneaut, Ohio to our site. The category will feature churches from all different religions, that offer services in Conneaut, Ohio.
If you are interested in featuring your Church, writing an article, or sponsoring our Church Page and educating Conneaut Ohio - we invite you to contact us.
The Conneaut Church Directory and Religious Resource page is expected to be fully operational by the end of February.
Posted by
Conneaut Ohio
9:51 AM
Labels: church, conneaut, conneaut church directory, conneaut ohio, ohio, religious resource
Council Recognizes Everything Conneaut Ohio!
A very big Thank You to Ward 4 Conneaut City Councilman, Dave Campbell! Mr. Campbell was kind enough to mention our site, and reach out to the community for additional support of this project. Conneaut City Council met last night and we applaude their efforts to announce new businesses in Conneaut and promote local commerce. We give them a double thumbs up.
The Everything Conneaut Ohio website is designed to unite the local conneaut community with local businesses to increase commerce in Conneaut and provide a resourceful, informational and valueable tool for the residents of Conneaut, Ohio and those interested in visiting our great city.
Posted by
Conneaut Ohio
9:45 AM
Labels: conneaut, conneaut advertising, conneaut city council, Dave Campbell, ohio
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Conneaut City Council Meetings Back on Air ?
It appears Conneaut City Council has reached an agreement to ensure complete coverage of local meetings to the Conneaut Ohio community. On the other hand, work sessions will be "off -air."
On Monday night, the Conneaut City Council was ready to put in place the controversal ordinance, that would remove cameras from the council meetings and move local comments from the audience to the end of council meetings. The proposed ordinance had several local resident's up in arms as they felt this was a form of "political censorship", restricting their freedom of speech to express their ideas and comments to both Council and the City of Conneaut, over the airwaves.
Ward 4 Councilman Dino Julio who introduced the original idea to remove cameras from the council meeting, came to Monday night's meeting with a ammended proposal. This ammendment would allow all the public comments to stay where they are at - and allow for the council meeting to be broadcasted. Members of the public will only be able to discuss legislative matters at this time.
A proposal by Ward 2 Councilman, Charles Lewis to bring camera's back for Council Work Sessions was defeated by a 4-3 vote. Castrilla, Julio, Council President James Jones and Councilman-at-Large Jacob Chicatelli opposed the motion, while Lewis, Campbell and Ward 3 Councilman Greg Mooney supported it.
On a side note: Council also approved a 15 percent increase in municipal sewer rates to help the waste water department finance some capital improvement projects, pay accrued wages to a retiring employee and maybe assist in the purchase of a new sewer jet machine. Members approved the rate hike by a 5-2 vote, with Campbell and Lewis opposed.
Posted by
Conneaut Ohio
10:45 AM
Labels: conneaut city council, conneaut council, conneaut ohio
New Partner for Local Pizza - Anthony's Pizza & Food
If you are looking for good food and a fun open atmosphere.. try Anthony's Pizza. Located on Broad Street - close to Lake Erie. This restaurant is "non-smoking" and kid friendly.
Anthony's is locally owned and operated, and offers visitors personal service, a complete food and beverage menu and an overall great experience. How choose you to enjoy your food is up to you... Dine In -Carry Out, or have it delivered. These flexible options extend to the food. Anthony's will do their best to customize your Conneaut Dining Experience... You can add bacon, hot pepper cheese and more...
Everything Conneaut Ohio is proud to announce our new sponsor Anthony's Pizza and Food - where great food and great service is just around the corner or only a call away.
VOTE for your favorite Conneaut Pizza Shop and See Anthony's ad - Click Here.
Posted by
Conneaut Ohio
8:22 AM
Labels: Anthony's Pizza, Conneaut Dining, Conneaut Pizza, Lake Erie
Our Radio Resource Spells WOW!
Conneaut Ohio is on the airwaves, all day long with local radio station WWOW-1360 AM.
We are pleased to announce, WWOW is our offical Partner for local and national news, sports and weather. WWOW and Everything Conneaut Ohio are on your side, visit WWOW on the airwaives or Click Here to listen online.
Posted by
Conneaut Ohio
7:59 AM
Labels: AM Radio, Conneaut Ohio Radio, WWOW radio
Monday, February 23, 2009
Just Call Conneaut Tree City USA
Conneaut Ohio is the recipient of the Tree City USA award for the 24th consecutive year.
There are four requirements that must be met in order for a city to be eligiable for the award:
- A special Tree Board Department
- A Forestry Program
- A Tree Care Ordinance
- An Arbor Day Ceremony
Conneaut, Ohio has a Tree Commission comprised of dedicated Conneaut Residents who work hard to ensure Conneaut meets the above requirements and keeps adding trophies to their already impressive list. The upcoming Arbor Day Ceremony is set for April 25, 2009 and will feature a special dedication of a new observation deck that overlooks a pond in the middle of Malek Park.
If you are interested in becoming a member, there is no need to be a "tree expert" just a desire to keep Conneaut green - call Rod Raker, Conneaut Tree Commission president at 440-593-4156 or visit the group's website at www.conneauttreecity.com.
Posted by
Conneaut Ohio
9:56 AM
Labels: conneaut ohio, Conneaut Tree Commission, tree city USA, trees
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Top Websites for Conneaut, Ohio
Conneaut, Ohio offers a diverse selection of activities for residents and visitors alike. From historical tours to wine tasting, enjoying the beautify of Lake Erie to the bountiful fishing... there is truely something for everyone. If you are looking for more information on Conneaut, Ohio... we have scoured the web and found you the Top 10 websites to learn more about Conneaut, Ohio.
#10 www.conneaut.net
This is the City of Conneaut's offical website. It offers information on governmental agencies and an overview of the conneaut community.
#9 www.conneautportauthority.com
This website offers information about Lake Erie, Conneaut Marinas, Fishing and other tips before you cast your poll on the Lake.
# 8 www.conneautohio.com
This private website offers extensive geneology information. If you are hoping to seek insight on the history of conneaut, find relatives or research your Conneaut roots this is a great place to start.
#7 www.topix.com/city/conneaut-oh
If you are looking for Conneaut, Ohio news - this site offers the best of both worlds. It utilizes the Star Beacon and The Courier bringing you the latest information you need to know if you live in Conneaut, Ohio.
#6 www.examishconstruction.com
If you are planning to complete a construction project, this site offers great tips on siding, roofing and other construction techniques. A local conneaut company with local tips for you.
#5 http://www.conneaut.lib.oh.us/
Your link to library books. Search their database, find upcoming events - expand your horizon and educate yourself on a variety of topics - This is the main Conneaut, Ohio Library site.
#4 www.conneautchamber.org/
This website offers a directory of local businesses, dedicated to improving life, work and commerce in Conneaut, Ohio. In addition, you can find other local conneaut links.
#3 http://www.conneautartscenter.org/
There is something for everyone. Express your inner artistic self with painting, dance and a variety of other classes at teh Conneaut Center for the Arts. This website will you give you a comprehensive overview of upcoming classes and events held at the Conneaut Center for the Arts.
#2 http://www.conneauthrc.org/links.html
Check out the Conneaut Human Resources Center for upcoming events and local programs offered to the Conneaut Community including Seniors Together and Emergency Food Assistance.
#1 http://www.everythingconneautohio.com
Ok, we may be a little bias - this website offers a complete local business directory, conneaut news, a conneaut ohio upcoming events calendar, important local links, conneaut coupons, and other important information - our goal is to encompass EVERYTHING Conneaut.
Posted by
Conneaut Ohio
7:26 PM
Labels: conneaut ohio, conneaut tourism, conneaut websites, visit conneaut
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Ex Amish Construction - Our Construction Partner
Everything Conneaut Ohio announces new partner, Ex Amish Construction has teamed up with Everything Conneaut Ohio as a sponsor and contributor for our construction page.
Ex Amish Construction is a local residential construction expert. They provide Conneaut Ohio, with quality and cost effective roofing, siding, residential construction services and specialize in Pole Barn Construction... for more information on Ex Amish Construction and to find conneaut ohio construction tips, visit us online at: http://www.everythingconneautohio.com/Construction.html.
If you are interested in becoming a partner with Everything Conneaut Ohio or becoming a contributor for one of our local business categories, contact us.
The following categories are open:
- Conneaut Accountants
- Conneaut Automobile Dealers
- Conneaut Banking
- Conneaut Dentists
- Conneaut Insurance Agents
- Conneaut Lawyers
- Conneaut Landscaping
- Conneaut Roofers
- Conneaut Lumber Yards
- Conneaut Pest Constrol
- Conneaut Lodging & Hotels
- Conneaut History
- Conneaut Restaurants
- Conneaut Pizza
- ... and more!
We will continue to update our sponsorship opportunities, and update you on EverythingConneaut.
Posted by
Conneaut Ohio
9:58 AM
Labels: conneaut advertising, conneaut business, conneaut construction, conneaut ohio
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
New Conneaut,Ohio Website - EverythingConneautOhio.com
Conneaut Ohio - the small town located in the farmost upper northeastern corner of Ohio, is getting a new website - that promotes EVERYTHING Conneaut. From local restaurants and businesses and to upcoming events and tourism activities - you can find it all on this site.
The site is designed to bring the community of Conneaut, Ohio and local businesses together with information on virtually every aspect of Conneaut, Ohio.
We encourage you to visit the site for yourself at http://www.everythingconneautohio.com/.
If you are interested in advertising - you will be glad to know that this site is dedicated to
providing great content - both educational and informational so you will get the best investment on your return. Advertising Options range from $20.00-$600.00 - far more affordable then television, radio, or print advertising.
Advertising is limited and targeted advertising is available on a first come -first serve basis, get your ad in... and do your part in helping the conneaut community and commerce come together to boost the local economy.
Posted by
Conneaut Ohio
6:53 PM
Labels: conneaut advertising, conneaut business, conneaut ohio, everything conneaut ohio